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    7 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Witch Hazel (Post)

    Witch hazel has an extended background of medical use because of its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties. Witch hazel is an indigenous tree to North America's coast. It is used by a lot of pe ...

    Use These Tips to Ease The Aging Process(Post)

    You are probably aware of anti-aging strategies that have been passed down over time. This article has tips to help you stay as young as you feel.You might go crazy worrying about your 150/90 blood p ...

    Why is Aloe Vera good for your skin?(Post)

    Aloe Vera is an excellent source of vitamins and antioxidants that help protect our skin. The essential compounds in Aloe Vera have been shown to neutralize the effects of ultraviolet (UV) radi ...

    Best Eye Cream for Under Eye Wrinkles(Post)

    Eyes, they tend to be the first thing that people notice. It can say a lot about a person, whether they’re sad, tired, or even their age. Unfortunately, as you get older, under-eye wrinkles are in ...

    Exercise: Health For The Body And Skin(Post)

    Exercising has many benefits. It’s good for the heart, builds muscle, controls weight, manages blood sugar and insulin level, improves mental health, and more. For many like myself, I knew of all the ...

    Skincare Tools: Gua Sha, Facial Roller, & Globes(Post)

    Discover what makes the Face Roller so effective! Also known as Gua Sha Stone, Jade Roller, Cryo Roller, Facial Globes, Beauty Rollers, Roller Stone, Stone Rollers, Facial Stone etc... Some po ...

    Steps on How You Could Fight Diabetes(Post)

    Diabetes is a rapidly growing disease in this modern world. Countless people are diagnosed each day and many more are unaware that they even have diabetes.However diabetes may be posing a threat to y ...

    BB Creams 101: What to Know and When to Use Them(Post)

    So you've heard bb creams are the new thing in beauty? They have taken over the market, and it's for a good reason. They're light, moisturizing, easy to use, and give great coverage for a flawless ...

    Do Eyelash Growth Serums Work?(Post)

    Longer, full and fluttery lashes are one of those desirable features a girl would love to naturally have. Unfortunately, the majority of us have thin lashes, and that is why there is such a market fo ...

    Fruit Enzymes in Skincare FAQs(Post)

    Many people are talking about new complexion launches lately—and the enzymes used in skincare seem to be on everyone's mind. What exactly is an enzyme? And should we all take advantage of this powerf ...

    The Anti-Aging Power of Vitamins(Post)

    We are all aging. And as we age, the effects of time and gravity on our skin become more visible in the form of wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and dryness. Many turn to topical treatments to co ...

    Lose Weight And Keep It Off With These Tips(Post)

    Losing weight is something that can be very hard for people to accomplish. It is even tougher when you're not sure how to accomplish the task. The article discusses the tips you need to start getting ...

    Improve Your Fitness With This Helpful Advice(Post)

    The main goal of fitness is to get and stay in good shape. This article will provide you with tips you can easily follow to get a toned body. Besides making you look as good as possible, maintaining ...

    Why You Should Give Juicing A Try(Post)

    There are many health benefits that come from juicing. Juicing will extract the minerals and vitamins that fruits and vegetables have to offer,while not having to consume the entire fruit or vegetabl ...

    ​How to get rid of stretch marks in time for summer(Post)

    Through the years, many of us develop stretch marks for various reasons. Puberty, pregnancy, quick weight gain or loss, and genetics can all have a hand in putting scars on the skin. While some of us ...

    Easy Ways to Lose Belly Fat(Post)

    Belly fat is a problem for many people, but there are easy ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat with just a few changes in your diet and lifestyle. It's not just an aesthetic issue. The problem ...

    Best Remedies for Rosacea and Sensitive Skin(Post)

    Having a good skincare regimen is already challenging as is when you have “normal” skin. Using the right cleanser, moisturizer, treatments, and so on seems like a daunting task. When you throw in ...

    Microcurrent Technology: The New Anti-Aging Solution?(Post)

    Like most people, you probably want to find the best possible anti-aging solution. There are many products and treatments on the market, but which one is right for you? Recently, there has been a ...

    NuFace Toning Device(Post)

    Let's admit it; no-one likes the idea of getting older. The body isn't quite how it use to be, and the skin starts to show wrinkles. Our skin will inevitably age. But with the advanced technology ...

    Slugging Benefits: Explaining the Viral Skincare Technique(Post)

    It seems like there is a new viral skincare trend and technique every week! And the recent trend of slugging is no exception. A technique used by dermatologists and women of color for decades, it's r ...

    Winter Skincare Routine For Dry Skin(Post)

    Winter months are right up ahead. Some people love the cold winter air, me not so much because of how much havoc it wreaks on my skin. Not many think twice about changing their skincare routine wh ...

    Sothys Skin Care and Anti-Aging(Post)

    Sothys Paris The Sothys skincare company has been supplying its customers worldwide a wide range of moisturizers, eye care, skin, and body goods since 1946. This brand originated in ...

    Your Gift Guide to Mother's Day, 6 Gifts for Every Budget.(Post)

    Mother's Day is right around the corner, and if you are anything like us, you are trying to find the perfect gift for your mom. She is either hard to buy for, or has everything-we get it! Each year ...

    The Best Way To Look Younger(Post)

    It's really worth considering many of the tips pointed out below to understand how you can remain youthful forever. To begin with, avoiding of individuals calories, that lowers producing T3, a thyroi ...

    What is My Skin Type and How To Take Care? - Easy Online Skin Quiz(Post)

    What is My Skin Type and How To Take Care? There's the most critical question we all need the answer. Know how to treat your skin properly for the best result. There are many skin type, such as no ...

    Proven Skin Care Advice For Healthy Skin(Post)

    Skin care is not all about applying anti-aging creams and cleaning off your skin cleansed regularly. Skin care also involves protecting your skin from being damaged by the sun. Sun damage can affect ...

    Steps to Healthy Skin: 7 Tips from an Esthetician(Post)

     Healthy, glowing skin, it's what we all strive for, but it can be a tricky balance. Social media, tv, movies all have airbrushed models and ads, as well as photoshop. These unrealistic beaut ...

    Fabulous Foods to Eat for Happy Healthy Skin(Post)

    How Water Rewards Your Skin Taking water is one of the main things you can do to maintain your skin in optimal condition. It retains your skin hydrated -- and that reduces  fine lines and ...

    5 Super Effective Natural Hydroquinone Alternatives(Post)

    If you are struggling with hydroquinone-induced irritation, it may be time to explore hydroquinone alternatives. Hydroquinone is a skin whitening agent that is often used to treat hyperpigmentation a ...

    What is Bakuchiol? A Natural Alternative to Retinol(Post)

    Have ⁢you⁢ ever heard of Bakuchiol? It's quickly becoming one⁢ of the hottest natural skin care ingredients, but what ⁤exactly is it? In⁢ this article, we’ll be exploring what Bakuchiol is and how ⁣i ...

    Fight Acne With Some Great And Original Tips(Post)

    It can be nerve-wracking to find out that you have acne and are prone to it. Acne is both noticeable and frustrating, but arming yourself with the proper information can help you clear up your skin.T ...

    How Niacinamide Makes Your Skin Happy(Post)

    What is Niacinamide? You've heard of retinol and hyaluronic acid, and vitamin C. Still, niacinamide is another significant element that deserves its own time in the skincare spotlight. N ...

    Skin Tags And How To Remove Them Painlessly(Post)

    As you get older, changes in your skin are inevitable. We all know that wrinkles and fine lines come with aging. Did you know that skin tags are something that surfaces with age as well? The growt ...

    Micro-Needling Therapy for Facial Scars(Post)

    What is Microneedling? Micro-needling therapy is a new, minimally invasive treatment that can help reduce the appearance of facial wrinkles, enlarged pores, uneven skin tone, surgical scars, acne s ...

    The Best Order To Apply Skincare Products for Best Results(Post)

    We live in a society where beauty standards continue to change. But what will never change is the desire to keep the skin looking young and beautiful. Everyone is always looking to find that fount ...

    7 Foods Scientifically Proven to Make You Happier(Post)

    Your life sometimes can be expressed as a roller coaster of emotions and thoughts. Some days you’re up. You’re in song with the world, your life is perfect, and the current minute seems sensible.

    What is a salt facial?(Post)

    Oddly enough, salt is not just for your kitchen. Though it brings flavors to life when you cook with it, there is now another widespread trending use: sea salt facials! You might be thinking, why wou ...

    How to Protect and Repair Your Damaged Skin Barrier(Post)

    ⁤The skin barrier is the line of defense against the outside ⁢world. The ⁣protective layer helps keep out irritants, ⁤bacteria, ⁤and toxins, preventing them from⁣ causing damage to the delicate skin ...

    What Is Snail Mucin and How Can It Help Your Skin?(Post)

    Have you heard ⁢of snail mucin yet? Not ⁤many ⁤people know what it is⁤ or how it can help their ⁤skin, but this slimy ⁣substance may surprise you with its benefits. Mucin, as it's more commonly known ...

    Guide On How To Slow Down The Aging Process(Post)

    Aging cannot be avoided by anyone. Only you can control how you will age. Follow these tips if you want to feel young as long as you can. Always strive to learn new things, and embrace new experien ...

    How to Treat Dark Spots on Your Face(Post)

    Having a flawless complexion is a dream for those that were born with freckles or have developed dark spots over time.  Hyperpigmentation can really affect a person’s confidence.  Correctin ...

    Benefits of Ginger Root: Anti-Aging and Cancer-Fighting(Post)

    Ginger is commonly known for its use in cooking. What you may not realize is that it contains health and skin benefits as well. It has been dated back to ancient times to have medicinal benefits.

    Are Collagen Injections Safe?(Post)

    You are born with collagen in your body, but once you reach a certain age, your body stops producing it entirely (when collagen injections or fillers can come into play.) Instead, your skin's natu ...

    5 Skincare Benefits of Pomegranate(Post)

    Today's post is about the amazing benefits of pomegranates. Pomegranate is a very staple ingredient in the skincare industry as it has a plethora of benefits and might really make all the differ ...

    Benefits of Exfoliating for Younger Clearer Skin(Post)

    Washing the face is a definite must in your skincare regimen, but is exfoliating? I think I started using exfoliants somewhere in my twenties. Many may believe that it is not as important when you ...

    Skin Bumps: Keratosis pilaris(Post)

    What is Keratosis Pilaris? Keratosis pilaris is a harmless skin condition that affects adults and teens. These tiny bumps or pimples are actually dead skin cells plugging hair follicles. Keratosis ...

    Face Oils: Why You Should Use Them(Post)

    Facial oils are one of those products that you don't think twice about using. The lack of education on the product is probably why many don't feel the need to have it in their skincare routine. We ...

    Gain Strength & Add Muscle with Protein Powder(Post)

    When it comes to taking your workout to the next level, one way to make it happen is to take advantage of ⁢the power of protein powder. With so many different types of protein powders available, you⁣ ...

    Micro-needling Benefits for Acne Scars on the Face(Post)

    Micro-needling Benefits for Acne Scars on the FaceIf you're like many people, you may have struggled with acne at some point in your life. And while acne can be frustrating and even embarrassing, it' ...

    Skin Care Tips That Will Make You Beautiful(Post)

    Does thinking about your skin care leave you out? Are you growing tired of the results you want? Skin care plays a large role in improving your dreams.Use the techniques taught in these tips to learn ...

    Toners. Are They Necessary?(Post)

    Hmm. Should I use a facial toner, or shouldn’t I? It’s one of those steps in the skincare regimen where you question the necessity of it. With all the other steps that you are already doing, addin ...

    CBD Beauty Products(Post)

    CBD and Hemp in Beauty ProductsAs long as the ingredient is extracted within the proper parameters, CBD oil does have benefits for healthy skin. As the research behind CBD oil's topical benefits cont ...

    Green Tea Benefits for Skin(Post)

    Green Tea Are you a green tea lover? People drink green tea on the daily basis for many reasons, including weight loss, relieving cold or flu symptoms, and more. But It's known for more than in dri ...

    What Order Should I Apply My Skincare Products?(Post)

    The process of incorporating all your new skincare products into a routine can be overwhelming and confusing. Does the toner go after the serum? How do you know if the order in which they're appli ...

    Your Complete Guide to a Home Facial and How They Benefit Your Skin(Post)

    The pandemic has changed how we do things. Many think getting a facial is not essential, but for a gal like me, it was. With everything shut down, a professional facial wasn't possible. While staying ...

    Everything You Need To Know About Microblading Eyebrows(Post)

    It seems that there is always some new innovative beauty procedure popping up designed to give you semi-permanent natural-looking features. We all know how popular eyelash extensions have become, ...

    ​The Esthetician's Guide to Washing with Bar Soap vs. Cleanser(Post)

    Everything from pollution in the air to sweat from your workouts or residue from your scented products ends up on your face at the end of the day. Without a good cleansing, all the dirt, oil, and oth ...

    Eight Mistakes for the Worst Skincare(Post)

    Eight Mistakes for the Worst Skincare (as Well as The Method to Avoid Them)Follow these tips for a healthful complexion. Ever since I launched Better Skin in 7, my free skincare program, I've exchan ...

    Achieve Silky Smooth‍ Skin Effectively(Post)

    Achieve Silky Smooth Skin Effectively Having a silky smooth skin is something many of us strive for. Not only does it make us look beautiful, but it also makes us feel good about ourselves. Fort ...

    What to Look for in Buying a Flat Iron(Post)

    Flat irons have become a popular choice of styling tool because of its versatility. It can make hair straight or add waves. There are many different choices of flat irons available, making it diff ...

    Comedonal Acne: How to Get Rid of Closed Comedones(Post)

    Comedonal Acne: How to Get Rid of Closed ComedonesSo, you've seen more white or skin-colored bumps along your cheeks, forehead, and chin. You've tried almost everything to get rid of them, and they w ...

    2 FREE Customized Skin Routine Consultations Giveaway(Post)

    We are giving away 2 FREE Customized Skin Routine Consultations. The 2 winners will be randomly chosen.CLICK HERE: 1/16-1/31stRules to enter:1. Like the ...

    Turmeric For Brighter Younger Skin(Post)

    Many may know turmeric as a spice used in cooking. It’s now making its way from the kitchen cabinet to the bathroom cabinet. Turmeric has been around for hundreds of years and is used for medicina ...

    10 Best Moisturizers for Oily Skin That Won't Clog Your Pores(Post)

    We all experience our fair share of greasy skin and sweat-induced breakouts in the warmer months, but for those of us whose baseline is that of excess oiliness, a lightweight, noncomedogenic m ...

    Led Lights For Anti-aging(Post)

    Have you heard about light treatment for acne wrinkles and antiaging? It seems everybody is looking for a remedy for ailments like this and LEDs could be the answer you seek. Were you aware that a ...

    Don't Let Cellulite Bother You Any Longer(Post)

    Does cellulite make you uncomfortable revealing too much of your skin? If you answered yes, then know that you are not alone. A lot of people deal with cellulite every day. You do not need to be subj ...

    Beauty Benefits Of Collagen(Post)

    As we age, we are continually looking for miracle treatments to reduce wrinkles and turn back the hands of time. With the boom of technology and science, there is no lack of products that claim to ...

    What Does Retinol Do For Your Skin? Discover the Benefits(Post)

    What Does Retinol Do For Your Skin? Discover the BenefitsRetinol is a form of vitamin A that has been widely used in skincare for ⁤decades and has ⁤gained popularity over the years. It is ⁤known for ...

    Exfoliation: Tips to exfoliate face, body, and scalp(Post)

    We all want beautiful, smooth, glowing skin; dead skin cells cause our skin to appear dull, and skin cell regeneration slows as we age. A slowdown in skin cell regeneration can lead to skin cell buil ...

    19 Home Remedies For Under-Eye Wrinkles: De-Crease Today(Post)

    As we age, it's natural for wrinkles to form, especially on parts of the body that are exposed to the sun, like the face. The skin beneath your eyes is significantly thinner and more delicate than ...

    Pumpkin Facial: The Favorite Fall Facial and Skincare Ingredient(Post)

    Pumpkin Facial, Pumpkin Peel, Pumpkin Masks and more! Learn more about this delicious and powerful secret ingredient Looking for a way to soften your skin and have glowing skin this fall? Pump ...

    Hydroquinone Benefits & Uses | A Comprehensive Guide(Post)

    Do you suffer from hyper-pigmentation, or unwanted discoloration in your skin? If⁢ so, then you may have heard about hydroquinone, as it⁤ is one⁤ of the most popular treatments for restoring the natu ...

    Choose Safe Non-Toxic Ingredients with Organic Skincare Products(Post)

    Did you know that your skin is the biggest, functioning organ on your body? It breathes and grows just like any other bodily part. Your skin is capable of absorbing up to 60% of the products appli ...

    Moroccanoil Treatment for Hair: The Ultimate Guide(Post)

    Moroccanoil Treatment for Hair: The Ultimate Guide In the world of hair care, few products have caused as much of a stir as Moroccan oil. Hailed as a miracle worker by many, this liquid gold from t ...

    Things You Should Know Before Buying A Face Cleansing Brush(Post)

    Cleaning your face is important, but are you using the right facial cleansing device? Many facial cleansing brushes on the market, such as electric, manual, silicone, and bristle brushes, claim to ...

    Top 10 Best Vitamins and Supplements for Your Skin(Post)

    When it comes to skincare and building a routine, the majority of us focus on two things, buying products to put in our routine and fixing our skin concerns. But we have heard it repeate ...

    Skin Benefits of Blueberries(Post)

    Who knew that something as delicious as blueberries could also be so good for your skin? That's right - this little fruit packs a big punch when it comes to skin benefits. Read on to learn more ab ...

    8 Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Hair, Skin, And Health(Post)

    Advantages of coconut oil for skin, hair, and healthHere's Why We Say Coconut Oil Is The Best Aids Weight LossNourishes Hair And SkinWards Off Dental ProblemsLowers Risk Of Heart Disease Saves Bo ...

    The Youthful Elixir: Unveiling the Wonders of Retinol(Post)

    In search of a youthful elixir to keep you looking forever young? Look no further than the wonders of retinol. Throughout the years, its many powerful benefits have ⁤been lauded as an⁤ essential p ...

    What is PEMF Therapy?(Post)

    If you are looking for an all-natural way to improve your health and reduce inflammation and pain, you may want to consider PEMF therapy. PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, an i ...

    How to Exfoliate Naturally (Post)

    Natural exfoliation is when you scrub your skin gently with a product to achieve a smooth, clear complexion. When a natural exfoliant is applied to your skin, dead skin cells from the top layer of yo ...

    Simple Men's Skincare Routine(Post)

    Who can benefit from skincare?Skincare is for anyone, but on average, it targets women. Social media ads and stores tend to cater to a more feminine look, and we see a shift in marketing going forwar ...

    Effective Solutions to Treat Hair Loss(Post)

    Hair loss can be a devastating occurrence, but ⁣you don't have to ⁤go⁣ through it alone. There are many effective solutions available from modern science that can not⁣ only treat ⁤hair loss, but also ...

    11 Skin Care Secrets You Must Certainly Know(Post)

    We go on a spree for goods to make our skin look perfect. But, we never bother to take a look at our everyday skincare regimen. Now is the time to do so! Take a look at these basic but significant ...

    CBD vs. Hemp: What’s the Difference(Post)

    Medical cannabis is prescription cannabidiol that has been used for years to treat seizure disorders. CBD is also known to be used for anxiety disorders, chronic pain, and neurological disorders.

    All You Need To Know About Growth Factors - Why Your Skin Needs Growth Factors(Post)

    In the last decade,Growth Factors have been lately considering as the king ingredient for anti-aging, anti-oxidant besides  retinol. Many studies and researches have proven that Growth fac ...

    Perfect Essential Oils for Your Glorious Skin(Post)

    For years and years, essential oils have been used by humans to manage their health and cure numerous sicknesses and health problems. They are plant extracts made from flowers, leaves, and seeds.

    Five Natural Non Toxic Alternatives to Botox(Post)

    Restore your skin without the necessity for wrinkle filling injections with these natural non toxicity alternatives to Botox. Botox has become increasingly popular... People are hosting Botox p ...

    ​Bakuchiol and Peptides: Most-Researched Plant Alternatives to Retinol(Post)

    In the vast world of skincare, one ingredient remains the gold standard: retinol. Most dermatologists recommend you use retinol cream in your 20s, and if you start there, you'll most likely be addict ...

    Best Clean Beauty Brands(Post)

    Some popular beauty brands advertise a "Clean, Conscious, or Organic" category when searching online for the right product. Should we be concerned or investigate the ingredients closer? The truth ...

    Benefits Of Aloe Vera On Skin(Post)

    Aloe vera skin gel has been around for centuries and was used for medicinal purposes. It is widely known as a medicinal plant to treat skin burns and helps heal wounds. But the aloe plant is growi ...

    Antioxidant Skincare: Fighting the Signs of Aging(Post)

    We all want to have youthful, glowing skin. There are many antioxidant skincare products on the market that claim they can help you achieve this! Antioxidants in antioxidant skin care products wor ...

    8 Ways Royal Jelly Helps You Stay Healthy(Post)

    A new ingredient has entered into the skincare market and it's supposed to boost collagen which means fewer wrinkles and firmer skin. Who's not going to want that right?! What we want to know is ...

    How to Treat Facial Scarring from Acne(Post)

    Living with ⁤facial⁢ scarring from acne can be difficult and can ⁤make you feel embarrassed and self-conscious. Fortunately, you don’t have to live with it ⁣forever. With the right treatments, you ...

    How To Deal With Dark Circles Under Your Eyes(Post)

    Having dark circles under your eyes can be a source ⁢of embarrassment and frustration. This common problem⁣ plagues so⁤ many individuals, but there are ways⁣ to address it and even⁣ reduce⁤ its ⁣o ...

    How Collagen Helps Improve Skin Health(Post)

    As the largest protein in the human body, collagen plays a vital role in maintaining overall ⁤health and well-being. In particular, collagen helps to improve skin health,⁤ giving the ⁢body a more vib ...

    Customized Online Skincare Routine Consultation(Post)

    Receive a virtual customized online skincare consultation from an SB Esthetician skin professional. Get step-by-step instructions on how to apply your products and product recommendations that wil ...

    Tips To Make Dark Under-Eye Circles Disappear(Post)

    Do you have dark circles under the eyes that make you look tired and ten years older? Unfortunately, many of us do. I remember having dark eye circles even as young as high school. I would try to ...

    Can Retinol and Niacinamide Be Used Together?(Post)

    Niacinamide and retinol are both popular skincare ingredients. Both ingredients can help improve skin blemishes and acne, even skin tone, and diminish the signs of aging. However, suppose you current ...

    Complete Guide to Anti-Aging with Peptides(Post)

    Peptides: What's one more ingredient Collagen, Retinol, Hyaluronic acid, Niacinamide, Peptides, we hear of these ingredients all the time, and even so much so that it may be confusing. Are you usin ...

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